July 23, 2024
Rikers: A Haunting Echo, A Fight for Survival

Never Surrender

The chilling image you see above is not just art; it's the embodiment of despair, loss, and the relentless fight for survival within Rikers Island's unforgiving walls. 

The dove, a symbol of peace and freedom, flies.  This stark juxtaposition alongside a skull captures the harrowing reality faced by countless souls trapped within this notorious institution.

My book, "Rikers Island," is a raw and unflinching account of experiences within that hellish place. 

It's dedicated to Layleen Polanco, a vibrant life tragically extinguished in solitary confinement while I was there.  

Since my release, a staggering 48 lives have been lost within Rikers' unforgiving grasp (2021 - present), each a tragic echo of Layleen's fate.

The news of yet another death, the irreplaceable Charizma Jones, again due to the negligence of correctional staff, is a chilling echo of Layleen's fate. 

A grim reminder that Rikers remains a place where human rights are violated, where suffering is ignored, and where lives are lost needlessly.

You might have seen me proudly proclaim, "Don't ever forget I am from #NewYorkCity and #Rikers." 

Those words are not just a badge of honor; they are a scar, a testament to the trauma endured within those walls, a triumphant cry, a testament to the resilience forged in fire. They carry the weight of unimaginable suffering, the echoes of countless voices silenced by indifference and neglect.

Behind those hashtags lies a story of dehumanization, death, and the fight for survival. It's a story of people stripped of their dignity, their humanity reduced to a number, and their pain dismissed as collateral damage in a broken system.

Rikers is not just a jail; it's a battleground for survival.  It's a place where every day is a fight for basic human honor, for safety, for sanity. The constant threat of violence, the inhumane conditions, the isolation from loved ones - it all takes a toll on the mind, body, and spirit.

The Statue of Liberty, a beacon of hope and freedom, usually stands tall as a symbol of America's promise of a better life. Yet, she kneels, her resolve dimmed, a silent mourner for the lost souls of Rikers Island.

Rikers is a living nightmare, a stain on our collective conscience. It's a place where hope withers, where dreams are shattered, and where the cries for help are met with deafening silence.

Lady Liberty's grief speaks volumes about the brokenness of our justice system. The very icon of freedom, bent in sorrow, highlights the stark contrast between our ideals and the harsh realities faced by those incarcerated within the walls of Rikers.

Her bowed head symbolizes the countless lives extinguished within the jail's unforgiving grasp. The dove, a universal emblem of peace and hope, struggles to maintain flight above the desolate cell, a poignant reminder of the lost potential and dreams that have been crushed within those walls.

A chilling reminder of mortality lurks beneath the surface, a stark symbol of the violence, neglect, and despair that have become synonymous with Rikers Island. It's a haunting reminder that the system designed to rehabilitate and protect has instead become a breeding ground for trauma and death.

Rikers stands as a powerful indictment of the systemic injustices that plague our society. A call to action, a plea for reform, and a demand for accountability. It's a reminder that behind the statistics and headlines, there are real people with real stories of suffering and loss.

As we mourn the lives lost at Rikers, let us not turn away from the pain and suffering of those who remain trapped within its walls. Let us remember that the fight for justice and human rights is far from over. Let us honor the memory of Layleen Polanco,  Charizma Jones, and countless others by demanding change and creating a future where every life is valued, every voice is heard, and every soul is treated with dignity and respect.

My sculpture for the Rikers Public Memory Project will be dedicated to Riker's latest victim, Charizma, a memorial to her, a symbol of the countless lives lost, the lives interrupted and the urgent need for closing Rikers. It will be a testament to their resilience, their strength, and their fight for survival.

But it will also be a call to action. It will demand accountability, transparency, and a radical transformation of a system that perpetuates violence and dehumanization.

In the words of Maya Angelou, "History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again." Let us face the harsh truths of Rikers Island with courage and determination, so that we may create a future where Lady Liberty can once again stand tall, her torch ablaze, a beacon of hope and freedom for all.

I invite you to join me in this fight and Lady Liberty's lament, her tribute to lost souls. 

Read my story, educate yourself about the horrors of Rikers Island, and demand change. Together, we can raise our voices and create a future where no one is forgotten, no one is left to suffer alone, and every life is valued and protected.


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#RikersIsland #JusticeForLayleen #JusticeForCharizma #EndSolitaryConfinement #CloseRikers #HumanRights #NewYorkCity