July 17, 2024
Michele Evans to Transform Pain Into Power Through Sculpture in Rikers Narrative Change Fellowship

Rikers Public Memory Project Launches Inaugural Fellowship to Amplify Directly-Impacted Voices 

Four fellows will embark on creative projects that shed light on the often-unheard stories and perspectives surrounding Rikers Island. 

The Rikers Narrative Change Community Fellowship is more than just funding; it's about providing a platform for these artists to share their truths, challenge dominant narratives, and ignite meaningful conversations. Each project will include a public engagement component designed to educate, advocate, and foster healing within our communities. 

The fellows and their project media are: 

💙 Anisah Sabur-Mumin (film): Anisah's film project will delve into the personal experiences of individuals and families impacted by Rikers, bringing their stories to life on screen.

💙 Ofia Begum Ali (photography): Ofia's photography project will capture the resilience, strength, and humanity of those who have endured the harsh realities of Rikers and its aftermath.

💙 Helen "Skip" Skipper (theater): Skip's theater project will use the power of performance to create a space for dialogue, healing, and social change around the issues of incarceration and justice.

💙 Michele Evans (sculpture): Michele's sculpture project will transform raw emotions and experiences into tangible works of art, offering a unique and visceral perspective on the impact of Rikers. 

A few thoughts about being selected as a Rikers Narrative Change Fellow: 

I am deeply honored and humbled to be selected as a fellow for the inaugural Rikers Narrative Change Community Fellowship. As a formerly incarcerated individual, my experience at Rikers Island has left an indelible mark on my life. Through this fellowship, I am determined to channel the pain and trauma I endured into a powerful force for healing and transformation. 

My sculpture project, "Whispers Unfinished", will serve as a visual representation of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.  By molding raw materials into meaningful forms, I aim to capture the essence of the emotions experienced by those who have been impacted by Rikers – the anger, the fear, the despair, but also the hope, the strength, and the unwavering determination to overcome. 

This project is not just about creating art; it's about giving a voice to the voiceless, honoring the stories of those who have been silenced, and fostering a dialogue that can lead to real change. I believe that art has the power to transcend barriers, to touch hearts, and to inspire action. 

Through my sculpture, I hope to create a space for reflection, understanding, and ultimately, healing. I envision a future where Rikers Island is no longer a symbol of pain and suffering, but a testament to the power of human resilience and the potential for positive change. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and my art with the world. I am committed to using my platform to advocate for those who have been impacted by the criminal legal system and to inspire others to find their own voices and create their own paths to healing. 

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#RikersNarrativeChange #ArtforJustice #HealingThroughArt #RikersIsland #Trauma #Recovery